+ Fat Dissolving Lypolysis Injections

How Do Fat Dissolving Lipolysis Injections Work? Fat-dissolving injections, also referred to as lipolysis injections, are among the most popular methods today used for body fat reduction.

Fat dissolving injections, as the name suggests, work by destroying the fat cells at their target areas. They do this by causing damage to the cell membranes of the fat cells, which ends up liquefying the fat. The damaged fat cells are then taken up by the lymphatic system and removed from the body.

What Areas Of The Body Can Be Treated With Lipolysis Injections? The areas of the body commonly treated with fat dissolving injections are those with stubborn fat that is not easily lost through general weight loss methods. These may include the love handles, abdomen, and bra fat/underarms.

While these are the general areas of the body that may be treated using fat dissolving injection, these injections may also be used on the chin.


B12 Lipotropic injections are becoming more mainstream as health-conscious patients seek natural ways to feel revitalized and kickstart their energy. Lipotropic injections are supplements used for fat loss. These are intended to complement other aspects of a weight loss regimen, including exercise and a low-calorie diet.

The injections most often contain vitamin B12, which is considered safe in large quantities. However, lipotropic injections used alone without a weight loss plan may not be safe

This vitamin is given via injection and has a reputation for helping people feel great.

The best way to find out if the these shot are your solution is to meet in person with one of our medical team members.


B12 is vital for health, because it affects the metabolism of every cell in your body! It facilitates healthy blood cell creation, nerve cell support, and protein metabolism. It also helps metabolize carbohydrates and fat, which is why B12 Lipotropic shots have been trending.